In every parent’s nightmares is the fire alarm going off and losing the family residence.
This morning, roughly 15 before 7 am, my fire alarm started blaring. At first, I didn’t know why. Did someone break in? Is there a fire? All I heard was the eardrum-piercing screech rolling throughout the house. By the time I made it down the hallway, down the stairs, and to the panel, it turned itself off. I searched the panel notifications, looking for any sign of what happened. There was no sign that it even went off.
Did I dream it?
I considered going back upstairs for a little more sleep, when it started blaring again, this time saying “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE”. Again, a few seconds later, it turned itself off. Nothing on the panel. Nothing in the notifications. But it had indeed said “FIRE” this time. I went from bedroom to bedroom, searching for smoke. Maybe the kids turned on a candle in their bedrooms? Maybe there really is a fire somehow? Nothing.
By this time, since it had said “FIRE”, it occurred to me to call the security company in case they had called the Fire Department.
After many security questions, they told me that they didn’t have any record of it even going off. They checked my system remotely. Everything looked fine. There was nothing they could do. At least, I thought, the fire department won’t be knocking down my door. But why in the world would it be going off at all?
Most of the batteries had recently been replaced and there was no chirping from any of the devices. I decided to add batteries to my next shopping list and clean off all the alarm covers this weekend, just in case.
As I walked on pins and needles through my kitchen, preparing my daily breakfast drink, it dawned on me… maybe, the universe had a message for me.
Last night, I had gone to dinner with my best and longest friend (25 years and counting!). During dinner, we discussed how the universe (or God, if that is your belief system) can reach out to us and nudge us in the right direction. Call it intuition, call it intervention, call it what you will. I expressed to her that I’ve been wanting to write more, to work on my book, but there doesn’t seem to be enough time. I went through my list of things that occupy my evenings. She asked if my phone usage gets in the way. I laughed, but I knew that it was true.
I also mentioned to her, that I have considered getting up early, but that I usually turn off my alarm clock and sleep another 30 minutes.
I thought to myself, maybe, the alarm going off twice before 7 am was the universe telling me to get out of bed, and to be productive. Write that book. Do some exercise. Stop making excuses for “no time”. I have time, we all have time. But most of us misuse our time.
And now, an hour later, I have researched faulty alarms, gotten breakfast, sent car information to an insurance company for a quote, texted my kids and my partner, showered, gotten ready, and written a post.
Why? All because a fire alarm went off before my alarm clock did.